sábado, 8 de abril de 2017

How to acces your routers' interface

Ever wanted or needed to monitor who is connect to your internet, open port for certain applications that won't work otherwise or change the password of your router so no one can access it. If you are on windows, hit the windows key and R. It will open the run window, type in cmd and command prompt should open

Type in ipconfig/all and find your Ipv4 address, by default the numbers could be or
Now enter those digits into your search bar and you will be brought to your routers admin page, depending on your router that may be the password, go find the username and password for your router on the side of it. It should be written on a sticker.

Once you are logged in correctly, you can see everything, ranging from opening ports, changing your DNS servers, Checking whom is connected to your router and even limit certain sites that can be accessed. Just make sure that you know what you are touching, because you could limit the router and cut your internet off. As long as you are careful, this will be very useful.

domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

How to transfer data from your phone or tablet to pc

Have you ever run out of space in your phone or tablet and you don't want to place the pictures somewhere in a cloud drive or an SD card? Well its really simple, just grab the charging cable of your device and hook it up to your pc. Either on your device or pc you can select to see certain files or you can just see all of them through file explore, clicking my pc and finding the name of your device.
Once you find the devices media storage or you access it via your tablet or phone, you can view the desired images and copy them to your desired folder. Keep in mind that although most of the important files on your tablet are hidden, do not delete anything. If you were to delete a picture, preferably do it through your tablet. That is all you need, its that simple.


jueves, 23 de marzo de 2017

How to take screenshots

Ever seen those nice screenshots with perfectly centered text and arrows pointing towards the important things or boxes indicating what you are looking for? It is so simple you won't even believe how easy it is to do so. First of all you will have to download a program named lightshot: https://app.prntscr.com/en/index.html Once you have the program downloaded, lighshot will tell you that the default button is imp pnt. Locate the button on your keyboard and press it once, the HUD will show you the area that you can select and the tools will display at the side.

With that nifty tool you can take screenshots that happen at that very moment, the screen will freeze in the state that it is in and you can take whatever portion of it. This can be helpful for presentations, documents and guides as well.

miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017

How to take newspapers to a new level

Have you ever wondered how could you make a piece of text a little more interesting or presentable? Maybe a newspaper format would work, but it would take forever on choosing fonts, making the right choices of font and making it look like and actual newspaper. Many sites can advertise and really make your life easy, but just as you are done and ready to print that marvelous looking document that took soo much time, it makes you pay for the document. It catches you off guard, it makes you angry and it ends with your day. I found this site while looking for a site that did it for free, it might not have much customizability, but it gets the job done and it looks neat. First you want to go to: http://newspaper.jaguarpaw.co.uk/

Now that you are there, its very simple, just enter the data that it needs, attach pictures and get writing!

Once you've got your text in there and your images, you want to click on make it and the site will re-direct and give you a pdf download. It's pretty sick how it comes out and it does exactly what is says. Now you can enjoy a nice look of an article without paying anything and looking professional

miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2017

Beware of sites that pretend

There are sites out there that wish to infect your computer with useless programs and viruses. Site like these advertise free products that are usually paid or not accesible. Many of these sites exist out there and here is a huge warning if you like to click on free programs, you might just get baited. Avoid sites that are generators of currency that are paid in games, sites that promote free products, sites that offer services or a free version of a program without being scanned before. A very popular site that fools a lot of people to this day is SOFTONIC. Softonic is a horrible page that offers free downloads of products that are no even theirs, the sites downloader is filled with ads and virus. If you have ever downloaded something from there, I strongly suggest you check your computer. The installer just leads to more installations of useless programs and at the end it won't let you uninstall them, leading you to download counter measures and retrieve full control of your computer. Avoid these sites, sites that look sketchy or sound fake in their promises. Softonic, CNET, SourceForge, Brothersoft ---> Don't use these sites, EVER. If you don't believe me just type in softonic into your search bar and type viruses next to it. Thousands of articles will tell you that these sites are just malicious, yet they still pretend not to be. Even Wikipedia cites them as a site that installs unwanted programs. Have care when surfing and looking at webpages, don't get fooled by the rating stars under a page, if you don't know about it, search and find out if its a good source. Stay safe

jueves, 2 de marzo de 2017

How to get rid of a virus

As  normal computer user you run into nasty things while surfing, sometimes infected links, other times useless ads and worse of all viruses. There are many classifications as to viruses, but what makes them special is that they enter your computer without your knowledge. To stop this you might already have and anti-virus. but sometimes the pesky buggers infect your anti-virus and a full system check to find them would take way to long. Instead you would want to download a program to check the health of your computer or get rid of them.

We are going to be using two anti-viruses that will surely get rid of the virus, they are paid, but they have a 30 day free trial, enough to get rid or have a quick check over your computer. The first being Malwarebytes: https://www.malwarebytes.com/ Download the program and install it on your pc. Once the interface is open click scan now.

After hitting the scan button, you can just wait and remain calm until the program is done. It will identify threats on your pc or the ones that may have taken hold of your anti-virus. Our second program to use is Hitman Pro: https://www.hitmanpro.com/en-us/hmp.aspx Again, download the program through the free download and install it, register an email account to activate the product and it will scan your pc.

Now just wait for it to be done and the program will take care of any threats in your pc, if it finds any. They will be deleted right away and you can rest thinking that you are safe.
Now you can laugh at the virus face, your computer will be safe. If you find any program in your pc that has not been installed by you and when you try to uninstall, it gives you another virus, download revo uninstaller and get rid of it ASAP.

Enjoy your safe computer -Guides4Life

jueves, 23 de febrero de 2017

How to add shaded text to blogs

Want to learn how to do this? ---->Shaded Text  Its real simple and it adds an extra effect to whatever you are writing or you can make a very nice looking header. Its very easy, so easy indeed you should have known about it, but don't worry I have a simpler method.

You first wanna go to this site http://www.vex.net/~x/xfade/advanced.html
Once there type your word or words into the box, choose words size, colors and even background color.

You can even fade your text two ways, change the font size and make it giant or make a wicked combination of colors and background. After clicking on Fade me, you want to go to Show Html codes. Copy or drag them to this site or other sites that support Html and drop it there.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeasy

And there you go, now go shade and make some cool designs for webpages.
